Looking for Microsoft Advertising services for Tradies in Pakenham?
We provide affordable Microsoft Advertising services for tradies in Pakenham
In the recent years, Microsoft Advertising has become a popular alternative to Google Ads. It now has an estimated 11% share of Australia’s search engine market. This includes people looking for tradie services. This is one of the reason why we now specialise in Microsoft Advertising for tradies in Pakenham.
The demographics of Bing users is another interesting thing. There’s a definite demographic when it comes to people who are using Bing. In fact, the majority of Bing users are University degree holders and are typically people over 35 years of age, with an income of over $75,000.
Less competition is one of the best reason for using Microsoft Advertising. Because of this, the cost per click (ie the cost each time someone clicks onto your website) is notably less than Google Ads.
Contact John today on (03) 9028 7337 or email to get a free quote for Microsoft Advertising services
Microsoft Advertising
If you have a Pakenham tradie business that targets a certain demographic, such as high end kitchen and bathrooms renovations, or building inspections for luxury homes then Microsoft Advertising is a great option.
This is especially true as Bing customers spend at least 25% more than customers using other search engines (including Google Ads).
For only $450 (inc GST) we will get your Microsoft Advertising campaign started. Monthly ongoing fees start from $220 (inc GST) per month (plus cost of clicks).
There are NO long term contracts. You will also receive a monthly report to track the performance of your campaign.
Microsoft Remarketing
Unfortunately, not everyone is going to call you to use your Pakenham tradie services when they first visit your website.. When you use Microsoft Remarketing your ad is shown on other websites your potential customer visits. This helps to entice them to come back to your website and make that phone call. Because there is less competition, as compared to using Google, the cost per click is also lower when you use Microsoft Remarketing.
For only $450 (inc GST) we will get your Microsoft Remarketing campaign started. Monthly ongoing fees start from $220 (inc GST) per month (plus cost of clicks).
There are NO long term contracts. You will also receive a monthly report to track the performance of your campaign.
Contact John today on (03) 9028 7337 or email to get a free quote for Microsoft Advertising services
Monthly Microsoft Advertising Reports
We provide a monthly report so you know how your Microsoft Advertising is tracking. As you are busy running your tradie business in Pakenham, we make our reports succinct and easy to read.
We highlight the performance of the most important parts of your Microsoft Advertising campaign.
For only $450 (inc GST) we will get your Microsoft Advertising campaign started. Monthly ongoing fees start from $220 (inc GST) per month (plus cost of clicks).
Why use Dynamic Websites to manage your Microsoft Advertising campaign?
We always take the time to listen to our clients to understand their marketing goals. From this information we develop your Microsoft Advertising campaign. We also understand the need to make marketing budgets as effective as possible for Melbourne tradie businesses.
We also understand the specific demographics of Bing users and when a business can benefit from advertising on the Bing platform. Bing users are typically over 35 years of age, with an income over $75,000. The majority of Bing users also hold University degrees
Unlike a lot of other Microsoft Advertising service providers we do NOT have long term contracts. We do not believe in locking our clients into contracts. As we know we are good at what we do – there is no need for us to use lock in contracts!
Microsoft Advertising and SEO, when used together, create a very powerful toolkit to get your website up the page ranks and stay there. As well as having extensive Microsoft Advertising expertise we are also experts at SEO.
Contact John today on (03) 9028 7337 or email to get a free quote for Microsoft Advertising services