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Recent Google AdWords Changes

23 Mar 2016
by: Angela

As many companies now rely on Google to advertise their business, any changes made to the way Google Adverts are displayed can have an impact on them. It is therefore important that they keep up to date with any changes to make sure they are not adversely impacted.

On the 18 February 2016 Google made some significant changes to the way adverts are shown on desktop computers. In recent times Google has adopted a policy of “mobile first” as an increasing number of people are now searching the internet using their mobile phone. As part of this “mobile first” initiative Google has streamlined the way adverts are displayed on desktop computers to be the same as on mobile phones.


1. What are the changes?

The major change is that there is a smaller number of adverts being shown on a page. Previously, when you searched for something on Google, three adverts were displayed at the top of the page and up to seven on the side of the page (total of eleven adverts). Since the changes have been implemented there are now four adverts at the top of the page and three at the bottom of the page (total seven adverts). There are now no adverts being shown on the side of the page.

2. Why were the changes made?

The changes were made to bring the display of adverts in line with mobile phones. Because so many people now use mobile phones to search the internet, Google estimated that only around 5% of people click on the side adverts when they use a desktop computer. For this reason, they thought it better to have more adverts on the top of the page and just eliminate the side adverts that not many people were clicking on anyway.

3. What are the implications for your Google AdWords campaign?

It is still too early to tell what the implications are, but it is a concern that as there are now less adverts on a page, the cost of advertising will increase. It is particularly likely that it will cost more to to have your advert in one of the top four positions. It will probably take another few months before it to becomes clear as to what the long term impact will be.

4. What about the implications for SEO?

For businesses that do not use Google AdWords but search engine optimisation (SEO) techniques there may also be implications. As there are now four adverts at the top of a page, any organic search results will be pushed further down the page. Again,it will probably take another few months before it becomes clear as to what the long term impact will be.

Dynamic Websites specialise in small business web design. We are based in the Melbourne suburb of Hawthorn and provide services throughout Australia. We understand what it takes to get a small business online at an affordable price and with the minimum of fuss. Along with designing websites for small business, tradies and NDIS service providers we provide online marketing services. Our online marketing for small business extends to Google Ads, Google My BusinessMicrosoft Advertising, search engine optimisation (SEO), content writing and, blog writing.

Give John a call on  (03) 9028 7337  or email to find out more about how we can help your small business.