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How to Make your Website Fail in 5 Easy Steps

website design

It takes a lot of time and effort to create a website that gains you new customers, as well as increasing your sales.

Unfortunately, there are lots of common mistakes people make with their website. These mistakes significantly decrease the chances of the website being a successful marketing tool for their business.

Given how important a website can be to the success of a business it is best to get things right from the start.

Should you be using Bing Ads instead of Google AdWords?

bing ads

Bing Ads is a form of pay per click advertising. It is often used as an alternative to Google AdWords. However, some businesses choose to advertise on both Google AdWords and Bing Ads. The main advantage of Bing Ads is that it can often be significantly cheaper than Google AdWords.

In Australia, just over 10% of all internet searches are now being done on Bing. This percentage is even higher if you market overseas. For example, in the US, Bing has around 30% of all internet searches done on desktops.